

Froggy Valentine's

Made these little froggy Valentine's with my daughter for her to give to her classmates for their party. They were a fun project to do.
We are really looking forward to
Valentine's Day!
Aren't you?


Melissa B. said...

These are ADORABLE! Thanks so much for sharing...

Eileen said...

Ahhh, I don't have a beau :( , but I would sure love a Prince Charming like this! Too cute! :)

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

These are just the cutest. What a great idea. I loved the frogs and making them is such a wonderfu project for your daughter. I was browsing your blog and I love the framed scarfs post below. I have some gorgeous scarfs, this would be a wonderful idea to frame them. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I really appreciate it. Hugs, Marty

Jessica said...

These are super Cute! You should post a tutorial on how to make them... I know I would make them.

Happy Saturday Sharefest from SITS

CreativeMish said...

I love these! Such cute little googly eyes! :)

Montessori Moments said...

“Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest”
I love posting craft ideas on my blog too! I hope you'll come by! I even have a GIVEAWAY you could enter!

ch said...

These are so cute! I think Valentine's Day is my new favorite holiday!
Happy Saturday SITS sharefest!

The Mommyologist said...

Those are just adorable!!

Matt5verse6 said...

Those are so cute! Personally, I've always loved frogs. :) Thank you for dropping by my blog. It's nice to "meet" you.

Kindest regards,

kerryandtorey said...

I love the frogs! Such a cute idea.
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest

Megan said...

Sigh, this post makes me realize how behind I am with Valentine's Day cards - though mine won't be nearly as adorable as your daughter's!

Yellow Rose Arbor said...

Really cute Valentine cards! Great that you and your daughter made them together!


Counting Coconuts said...

These little frogs are SO cute! I'll have to try this craft with my son. We do A LOT of preschool activities, but sadly we don't do enough crafts (my son is gong through an anti-crafting phase right now!) :)

Sally said...

How cute! I know you & your daughter had lots of fun making these.

Your blog is adorable, and I love the scarf post too. :)

Titti @ Shoestring Pavilion said...

Hi, thought I'd return the favor and come check your place out :) Makes me hungry looking at all those pretty pics of tortes and what not :) Anyway, thanks for visiting me! said...

Stopping by from SITS - love the idea!

Saucy said...

Those would be a hit over here... Loopy and Uncle Bug have a thing for frogs!

Lisa said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog over the weekend! I hope you had a great weekend :-)

I love the froggy Valentine's. My daughter & I just finished up her treats for her Preschool class :-)

Anonymous said...

These are so cute. Thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

What a great idea. They are so sweet!

Thanks for popping over to my place. I'm your newest follower. I hope you will join in for Friday Follow this week.


Joey Lynn Resciniti said...

Those are cute! We're super excited for Valentine's Day around here.

Whatever Dee-Dee wants said...

Darling little frogs!

Stopping by from SITS

Sarah said...

Totally delightfully charming! You must be the perfect mommy!

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